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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blood Donation Camp - 03-09-10

Yesterday, i.e. 03rd Sep'10 we have a blood donation camp.  I had already registered my name and went to give the blood sharp 8:00am, I was marvelled to see a crowd who came earlier to me and awaiting for their turn. Many youngsters, who came on their freewill to give blood. I have not seen any blood donation camps earlier and this camp made a remarkable impression on me.  It made such an impression on me that to do a good deed ALWAYS WE SHALL BE FIRST.  Also, I recall that, man can produce or create any thing, almost anything from a needle to Rocket, he made all impossible things as possible but there remains still some things he cannot create or produce............They are Love, Affection & also blood which saves another's life.......
Do not live 100 years which makes no history but live one day that makes a history of 1000 years..............

Thursday, September 2, 2010


By default an excel workbook starts with 3 worksheets, sheet1, sheet2 & sheet3.  For every individual cell in excel we can find the unique cell reference like A1, B1 for identification of the cell. An excel sheet contains 1048576 rows and 16384 columns. So in total one Excel sheet contains of 17179869184 cells with individual cell reference.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reading Books

Yesterday, I was reading one of the Books of Dale Carnegie, my favorite writer who not only deals with communication skills but also with every aspect of life.  He says that everyone should have a deep buring desire to fulfill what they dream or wish.  You shall write down of your dreams or goals on a paper and analyze your actions towards your dream.  You shall give your best to achieve the goals you have set before you.  It is an easy task to set a goal but it is very difficult to make it come true.  Dare to dream and bold to achieve.  There will be lot of hurdles, hindrances, troubles, trials and many more in your path.  This is the reason God has given everyone dreams. If a man fulfills one of his dreams, it is not complete and God will grant him another, so that the man will aim for something bigger. Every man has his own individual skillset, individual personality & individual character. Never compare yourself with others..........

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


My goal in writing these tips is that everyone will be familiar with excel.  Though I am not completely familiar with Excel, I would like to introduce this to as many as possible and to learn from others wherever I need guidence.  Thanks in advance for all your support in encouraging me. MS-Excel is a program that helps in analytical data and day-to-day reporting. Once we know the formulas and macros it is such a user friendly that it saves a lot of time. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Excel Shortcuts-4

Ctrl+Shift+@ Time format

Ctrl+Shift+# Date format

Ctrl+Shift+$ Currency format

Ctrl+Shift+% Percent format

Ctrl+Shift+^ Exponential format

Ctrl+Shift+& Place outline border around selected cells

Ctrl+Shift+_ Remove outline border

Ctrl+Shift+* Select current region

Ctrl++ Insert

Ctrl+- Delete

Ctrl+1 Format cells dialog box

Ctrl+2 Bold

Ctrl+3 Italic

Ctrl+4 Underline

Ctrl+5 Strikethrough

Ctrl+6 Show/Hide objects

Ctrl+7 Show/Hide Standard toolbar

Ctrl+8 Toggle Outline symbols

Ctrl+9 Hide rows

Ctrl+0 Hide columns

Ctrl+Shift+( Unhide rows

Ctrl+Shift+) Unhide columns

Alt or F10 Activate the menu

Ctrl+Tab In toolbar: next toolbar

Shift+Ctrl+Tab In toolbar: previous toolbar

Ctrl+Tab In a workbook: activate next workbook

Shift+Ctrl+Tab In a workbook: activate previous workbook

Tab Next tool

Shift+Tab Previous tool

Enter Do the command

Shift+Ctrl+F Font Drop Down List

Shift+Ctrl+F+F Font tab of Format Cell Dialog box

Shift+Ctrl+P Point size Drop Down List

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Excel Shortcuts-3

Ctrl+" Copy Value from Cell Above

Ctrl+’ Copy Fromula from Cell Above

Shift Hold down shift for additional functions in Excel’s menu

Shift+F1 What’s This?

Shift+F2 Edit cell comment

Shift+F3 Paste function into formula

Shift+F4 Find Next

Shift+F5 Find

Shift+F6 Previous Pane

Shift+F8 Add to selection

Shift+F9 Calculate active worksheet

Shift+F10 Display shortcut menu

Shift+F11 New worksheet

Shift+F12 Save

Ctrl+F3 Define name

Ctrl+F4 Close

Ctrl+F5 XL, Restore window size

Ctrl+F6 Next workbook window

Shift+Ctrl+F6 Previous workbook window

Ctrl+F7 Move window

Ctrl+F8 Resize window

Ctrl+F9 Minimize workbook

Ctrl+F10 Maximize or restore window

Ctrl+F11 Inset 4.0 Macro sheet

Ctrl+F12 File Open

Alt+F1 Insert Chart

Alt+F2 Save As

Alt+F4 Exit

Alt+F8 Macro dialog box

Alt+F11 Visual Basic Editor

Ctrl+Shift+F3 Create name by using names of row and column labels

Ctrl+Shift+F6 Previous Window

Ctrl+Shift+F12 Print

Alt+Shift+F1 New worksheet

Alt+Shift+F2 Save

Alt+= AutoSum

Ctrl+` Toggle Value/Formula display

Ctrl+Shift+A Insert argument names into formula

Alt+Down arrow Display AutoComplete list

Alt+’ Format Style dialog box

Ctrl+Shift+~ General format

Ctrl+Shift+! Comma format
