Chess pieces are mainly divided into two colours as it denotes two armies fighting each other. White & Black
- King - 2nos
- Queen - 2nos
- Bishop - 4nos
- Knight - 4nos
- Rook - 4 nos
- Pawn - 16nos
Pawn: Pawn can move ahead one or two squares in the beginning and later it can move only one square. If any pawn or piece is ahead to it, its movement is restricted and it can capture opponent's pawn diagonally. Pawn can capture any piece knight, bishop, rook and queen diagonally. Though it is of the least power, when it reaches other kingdom, the player have the right to decide its power by promoting it to queen or knight or bishop or rook basing on the position. A pawn once moved cannot be taken back or it cannot move backwards.
Bishop: Bishop can move any number of squares forward, backward and it will capture in diagonal way. In open positions Bishops are very powerful and on long diagonals they are very effective.
Knight: A knight can make its movements in L shape, it can hop 3 steps from its current position. First 2 steps straight ahead and the third step it will take diversion either to left or right. A knight is very powerful in the centre of the board and in closed positions.
Rook: Unlike knight and Bishop, Rook moves in a different way. Rook moves in horizontal or vertical direction. It can move any number of squares in horizontal or vertical direction. It can capture any of the piece that is on its way. Rook is very powerful in open game.
Queen: Queen is a combination of Bishop & Rook. It has both the features of Bishop & Rook. It can go diagonally and it can go horizontally as well as vertically. A queen in the centre board can cover upto 27 squares. Queen is the major piece in the board and it covers many squares.
King: All the pieces combine together to save the King. King's power is unlimited and as long as the king is alive match can be continued. If the King is captured, the game is lost. King can move one square in any direction.
Unlike other games, chess has one good feature or option that if both the players are strong enough neither wins but the game is a draw. In many games we cant find a draw but in chess we can find a draw.
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